6 Amazing Ways to Use Sticky Notes in the Math Classroom

Using sticky notes as reminders can be great but there are many other amazing and helpful ways you can use sticky notes in your math classroom!

Exit Slips: Give students a sticky note to complete one or two problems during the last few minutes of class. Simply write a problem from the day’s lesson on the board or give students a problem to do from their book. Have students work out the answer on the sticky note and post the note on the door or wall as they leave the classroom. This is a great way to quickly assess the class as a whole on the day’s lesson. This can tell you what percentage of students got the problems correct and what you might need to review during the next class.

Bell Ringers: In the same way you can use sticky notes as exit slips, you can also have students answer a question or solve a problem at the beginning of class. Hand students a sticky note as they walk into class to solve the problem on the board. Students can place the notes on the board when they are finished. You can also have students answer a fun riddle or non-related math question.

Steps of A Math Problem Group Work: In a group of 3 or 4 students, give each student a sticky note and a math problem to solve. Have each student in the group do a step of the math problem on a sticky note. Then put the notes together on paper or on the board to show the steps of the problem. This works well with solving equations, simplifying expressions, long division, fraction operations and so much more! Remember to have one of the steps be to check work.

Matching Activities: Before class write down a handful of math problems or math vocabulary words on one color of sticky notes. Then write the answers or word meanings on different color sticky notes. Place each sticky note on a student’s desk, mixing up the problems and answers around the classroom. When you are ready, have students get up and move around the room to find their matching sticky note answers. This could be used for partnering students up for an activity or just as a way to start class. As an extra challenge, have students do the activity without talking!

Student Check-Ins: Not sure how a lesson went or want to see how students feel about an upcoming assessment? Checking in with students is an important part of teaching middle schoolers. Have students record a 1-5 rating on how they feel about something, a question they have, or something they are struggling with. You could also have students just answer a fun question such as what’s their favorite candy bar. Have students hand in their sticky notes to you as they leave class. This could be anonymous or you could have students write their names so you can circle back with anyone the next day. The more frequently you do this, the more students will feel comfortable sharing struggles with you.

Hand Out Encouragement: Students in all grade levels need encouragement but I have found middle school math students especially need the hear positive statements from their teachers. See a student struggling during class or a student have a major math win? Write them a quick note to hand them as they leave class or place it on their desk.

There are so many more amazing ways to use sticky notes in the classroom. What other ways have you used sticky notes to teach math? I would love to know!


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